Tom’s Holiday Survival Guide
It’s that time of year again—the time when family and friends gather with joy in their hearts to share delicious feasts in perfect harmony. We know, we’re laughing too. So before your next trip to terror island—aka the family dinner party—be sure to read our top six reasons to ditch the drama and celebrate the season with your friends at Tom’s House of Pizza instead.
Tom’s Holiday Survival Guide
It’s that time of year again—the time when family and friends gather with joy in their hearts to share delicious feasts in perfect harmony. We know, we’re laughing too. So before your next trip to terror island—aka the family dinner party—be sure to read our top six reasons to ditch the drama and celebrate the season with your friends at Tom’s House of Pizza instead.
1. We aren’t nosy. Are you seeing anyone? We here at Tom’s House of Pizza don’t care. Honestly. Got dumped days before Christmas? Lovers come and go; pizza’s always there for you. Still haven’t finished that degree? We think you’re perfect just the way you are. Like pizza.
2. We care not about politics, only pizza. Whatever’s happening on Parliament Hill, we respect your political opinions. And better yet, we won’t ask you to defend them… or even share them at all! All we ask is that you come down to our restaurant for one of the best slices of pizza in Calgary.
3. Our place always smells amazing. Tired of the scent of mothballs and stale disappointment? At Tom’s House of Pizza, you’ll smell nothing but freshly baked dough slathered in marinara sauce and melted stands of glorious mozzarella cheese. We trust you know what choice to make.
4. Turkey is vastly overrated. Quick, what’s more Christmas-y: a dry, brownish, headless bird, or a heavenly disk covered in red sauce, green toppings and golden cheese? That’s right. Pizza is the one true food of the holiday season. Joy to the world, the pizza is done.
5. We treat you like family, in a good way. At Tom’s House of Pizza, we understand that sometimes, family can get a little overbearing. Come on down for a hot slice of pie to a place that feels like home, without all the cold stares and hardened shame.
6. We support all of your career aspirations. Mom and Dad don’t like that you dropped out of school to pursue your lifelong dream of becoming a world-class ice dancer? Tom’s House Of Pizza understands. Our parents didn’t appreciate our ambition to create the best pizza in Calgary either, but look at us now. Come down to our restaurant and taste the achievement of your wildest dreams.
Need a little time to yourself this holiday season? Give us a call at Tom’s House of Pizza. For delivery, pick up, or just a place to hide out for a while, we’ll be there for you all holiday season. Good luck, and happy holidays.